GE-FORCE GTX 960 Superclocked ACX 2.0 02G-P4-2962-KR EVGA Développer

GE-FORCE GTX 960 Superclocked ACX 2.0 02G-P4-2962-KR EVGA

Evga Evga



Nvidia - GTX960 - 2Go GDDR5 - 7010MHz - PCI-E 3.0

Plus de détails

Paiements avec Alma indisponibles

 1024 CUDA Cores
 1216 MHz GPU
 2048 MB, 128 bit GDDR5
 7010 MHz (effective)
 112.16 GB/s Memory Bandwidth
 PCI-E 3.0 16x
 DVI-I, DVI-D, HDMI, DisplayPort
 SLI Capable
Résolution & Raffraichissement
 240Hz Max Refresh Rate
 2048x1536 Max Analog
 4096x2160 Max Digital

Product Warranty EVGA
 This product comes with a 3 year limited warranty. Registration is recommended

 EVGA offers several warranty solutions for our customers to choose from. Please refer to the suffix of the part number and our warranty terms for details.
Operating System Support
Windows 8 32/64bit, Windows 7 32/64bit, Windows Vista 32/64bit

Maximum Power Draw 120
 An available 6-pin PCI-E power connector
 The EVGA GeForce GTX 960 delivers incredible performance, power efficiency, and gaming technologies that only NVIDIA Maxwell technology can offer. This is the perfect upgrade, offering 60% faster performance and twice the power efficiency of previous-generation cards*. Plus, it features VXGI for realistic lighting, support for smooth, tear-free NVIDIA G-SYNC technology, and Dynamic Super Resolution for 4K-quality gaming on 1080P displays.

NVIDIA Dynamic Super Resolution Technology

NVIDIA MFAA Technology

NVIDIA GameWorks Technology

NVIDIA GameStream Technology


Microsoft DirectX 12

NVIDIA GPU Boost 2.0

NVIDIA Adaptive Vertical Sync

NVIDIA Surround Technology


NVIDIA CUDA Technology

OpenGL 4.4 Support

OpenCL Support

HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort 1.2 and Dual-link DVI

PCI Express 3.0

Constructeur de carte mère et de carte graphique. Spécialiste de carte graphique à base de puce Nvidia. Qualité des composants: très haut de gamme, haute qualité et haute durabilité.


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